Super Hammy and the Little Mouse Go - Level B

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Super Hammy and Little Mouse go to many places in their community until Super Hammy has an accident. Then they go to the hospital!

Cat # B2.15 Super Hammy and Little Mouse Go
Blueberry Hill Level: B / 2
Author: Oksanna Crawley
Page Count: 16
Word Count: 41 words
Topic: This is a story about Super Hammy and Little Mouse going places together.
Genre: Fiction
Graphics Type: Illustrations
On RRCNA booklist: Yes (February, 2023)
Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient™: B
ISBN #: 978-1-7386407-9-9

Overview: Super Hammy and Little Mouse go to many places in their community until Super Hammy has an accident. Then they go to the hospital!