Super Hammy Goes Camping - Level D
Super Hammy and Little Mouse are enjoying their camping trip until they hear a bear outside their tent! Super Hammy goes outside and finds out it’s not a bear after all. Read this story to find out who is trying to scare Super Hammy and Little Mouse.
Overview: Super Hammy and Little Mouse are enjoying their camping trip until they hear a bear outside their tent! Super Hammy goes outside and finds out it’s not a bear after all. Read this story to find out who is trying to scare Super Hammy and Little Mouse.
Cat # D5.13 Super Hammy Goes Camping
Blueberry Hill Level: D / 5
Author: Oksanna Crawley
Page Count: 17
Word Count: 106 words + 3 (speech bubbles)
Topic: This is a story about Super Hammy camping with Little Mouse.
Genre: Fiction
Graphics Type: Photographs
On RRCNA booklist: Yes
Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient™: D
ISBN #: 978-1-7386406-0-7