Giant Panda Cub - Level C/3

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When you are a giant panda’s baby, then you are a baby giant panda. The baby is also called a cub.  We call it a cub in this book to keep things simple! The cub in this book is hungry. He looks for some bamboo to eat. As you read, you will see the other things a giant panda cub can do.

Cat # C3.12 Giant Panda Cub
Blueberry Hill Level: C / 3
Author: Pat Harrison
Page Count: 16
Word Count: 64 + 1 (photo)
Topic: This is a book about a giant panda cub.
Genre: Nonfiction
Graphics Type: Photographs
On RRCNA booklist: Yes
Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient™: C
ISBN #: 978-1-77387-076-2 

Overview: When you are a giant panda’s baby, then you are a baby giant panda. The baby is also called a cub.  We call it a cub in this book to keep things simple! The cub in this book is hungry. He looks for some bamboo to eat. As you read, you will see the other things a giant panda cub can do.

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