Baby Goats - Level F/9

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Do you know what a baby goat is called? It is called a kid. It is the only animal baby in the world that is called a kid! This book will show you the different stages in a goat’s life. As you read the book, you will learn some very interesting facts about goats. Get ready to visit the stable where the new kids are going to be born! All you have to do is read this book!

Cat # F9.8 Baby Goats
Blueberry Hill Level: F / 9 
Author: Pat Harrison
Page Count: 16
Word Count: 197 + 5 (photos)
Topic: This is a book about baby goats.
Genre: Nonfiction
Graphics Type: Photographs
On RRCNA booklist: Yes
Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient™: F
ISBN #: 978-1-77387-083-0

Overview: Do you know what a baby goat is called? It is called a kid. It is the only animal baby in the world that is called a kid! This book will show you the different stages in a goat’s life. As you read the book, you will learn some very interesting facts about goats. Get ready to visit the stable where the new kids are going to be born! All you have to do is read this book!

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