Baby Lemur - Level B/2

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This animal baby belongs to the lemur family. There are many types of lemurs, but they are all from the country Madagascar. This one is a four-month-old crowned sifaka. As you read, you will see what a lemur pup can do.

Cat # B2.11 Baby Lemur
Blueberry Hill Level:
 B / 2
Author: Pat Harrison
Page Count: 16
Word Count: 48
Topic: This book is about what a baby lemur can do.
Genre: Nonfiction/Informational Narrative
Graphics Type: Photographs
On RRCNA booklist: Yes
Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient™: B
ISBN #: 978-1-77387-075-5 

Overview: This animal baby belongs to the lemur family. There are many types of lemurs, but they are all from the country Madagascar. This one is a four-month-old crowned sifaka. As you read, you will see what a lemur pup can do.