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In An Autumn Day with Fluffy and Charlie, Charlie jumped into Fluffy's pile of leaves and made a mess of it. He wants to make things right with Fluffy, so he is raking the leaves while she takes a rest. In A Path in the Forest, two puppies were lost in the forest. They followed a path that led them to Fluffy and Charlie's back yard. They saw Charlie's big pile of leaves. Can you guess what happens next?
Level: D / 6
Author: Pat Harrison
Page Count: 16
Word Count: 128
Characters: Fluffy, Charlie, & Friends
Genre: Fiction
Graphics Type: Photographs
Blueberry Hill Level: D / 6
On RRCNA booklist: Yes
Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient™: E
Accelerated Reader Quiz Available: No
ISBN #: 978-1-77387-005-2