Blueberry Hill Kindergarten to Grade Two Collection: Levels A/1 to L/20 - 170 titles

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The Blueberry Hill levelled fiction, nonfiction and informational narratives were carefully designed to enhance a child's strategic thinking and comprehension skills.

Whether used for intervention or classroom guided reading instruction, the Blueberry Hill books ensure the beginning reader experiences success! The Level A/1 and B/2 pattern stories help develop early literacy skills and reinforce basic concepts such as colors, shapes, numbers, rhyme, prepositions, etc. Stories with a beginning, middle and end begin at Level C/3 & 4. Children enjoy getting to know the recurring characters in our eight story strands. The inside covers contain built-in support for teachers and parents: the theme, a sample introduction, the tricky parts, word work suggestions that often link to new words in the text, discussion suggestions, a strategy list, the number of words, etc.

Levels A/1 to L/20: 170 titles
Shared Reading: 6 titles
See list in Teacher Resources tab above.
Page Count: 16 or 20
Genre: Fiction, Nonfiction, Informational Narrative
Graphics Type: Photographs, Illustrations
On RRCNA booklist: Yes (137 titles)

Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient™: A to L (164 titles), M (Jokes & Riddles with Fluffy & Charlie)                                                                       

Note: The majority of the time, the Blueberry Hill levels align with the Reading Recovery levels/Fountas & Pinnell text level gradients. When they don’t, careful consideration is given to the words, sentence length and language structures before a decision is made to keep the Blueberry Hill level the same.

ISBN #: 978-1-926728-48-3