The Life Cycle of a Goose - Level J/18

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Have you ever seen a Canada goose? Do you know that their babies are called goslings? Do you know something special that these geese do every year? This book will show you the different stages in a Canada goose’s life cycle. Are you ready to learn about this beautiful bird? All you have to do is read this book.

Cat # J18.9 The Life Cycle of a Goose
Blueberry Hill Level: J / 18
Author: Pat Harrison
Page Count: 20
Word Count: 410 words
Topic: This book is about the life cycle of a goose.
Genre: Nonfiction
Graphics Type: Photographs
On RRCNA booklist: Yes
Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient™: J
ISBN #: 978-1-77387-086-1

Overview: Have you ever seen a Canada goose? Do you know that their babies are called goslings? Do you know something special that these geese do every year? This book will show you the different stages in a Canada goose’s life cycle. Are you ready to learn about this beautiful bird? All you have to do is read this book.

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