The Great White Egret - Level K/19
This book will take you on an amazing journey. You will get to observe two great white egrets, a male and a female, as they prepare a nest and then take care of their young. So hurry up and start reading. It’s almost time for the female egret to lay her eggs!
Cat # K19.9 The Great White Egret
Blueberry Hill Level: K / 19
Author: Pat Harrison
Page Count: 20
Word Count: 735 words + 3 (photos)
Topic: This book is about the great white egret.
Genre: Nonfiction
Graphics Type: Photographs
On RRCNA booklist: Yes
Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient™: K
ISBN #: 978-1-77387-085-4
Overview: This book will take you on an amazing journey. You will get to observe two great white egrets, a male and a female, as they prepare a nest and then take care of their young. So hurry up and start reading. It’s almost time for the female egret to lay her eggs!